Wednesday, December 18, 2019

In Recent Year, Life Has Come More Stressful Than It Has...

Topic: In recent year, life has come more stressful than it has ever before. As a consequence, more and more people are suffering from stress-related problems. What factors are contributing to this increase and what do you think can be done to overcome the current problems? In recent years, the number of people being stressful has increased dramatically. A lot of people’s diseases are caused by this problem. This essay is to discuss 2 major factors causing this increase: heavy workload, family problems and to suggest some possible measures./ stress which is caused by two major factors: heavy workload and family problems can be solved/ tackled by some possible measures. No one can deny the deep impact of stress on peopleStress is†¦show more content†¦Next, there is a fact that more and more people nowadays are under pressure to preserve overtime work. meanings?They have to work harder and harder to keep pace with their working demands and have no time for relaxing, entertaining and family. Of course, this can be traced to cause stress. For example, if a person is forced to do something that he does not really want by his parents, teachers or his boss, he might be certainly bored and uncomfortable. As a result, stress will come. The following are some solutions to avoid the stress-related problems./ Luckily, stress can be solved by the following solutions. First, stressed people need to have logical time-management. Putting everything on schedule may be a good choice for them to reduce pressure. In addition, they should create a good balance between working and relaxing. After work, those people may try to go somewhere, take a deep breath and forget all bad things. Finally, supporting from family and friends is necessary. Sharing is an important part of life and this might be a good solution to keep out of stress. In conclusion, stress is not a disease. It is just a natural response to pressure. Family, financial problems, working or studying under pressure are three main factors that make people stressed. If they know how to manage time effectively, balance their work and share their difficulties with friends and family, you will not have to face stress. InShow MoreRelatedJob Stress and Its Impact on Employee Performance18500 Words   |  74 PagesCHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1. 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